Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru
Welsh Folk Dance Society
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CYNGERDD - (English version follows) EISTEDDFOD GERDDOROL RHYNGWLADOL LLANGOLLEN Tia McGraff a Mabon Noson Werin Cydwladol Nos Iau, 12 Gorffennaf, 2007 am 7.45pm Daw Tia McGraff yn syth o Nashville, Tennessee. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n 'sgubo Ewrop gyda'i llais alto hyfryd yn hudo cynulleidfaoedd o bob oedran.
Yn ymuno � Tia McGraff mae Mabon yn dychwelyd i lwyfan yr Eisteddfod i gyflwyno noson wych o ganu gwerin cydwladol
Ceir rhai o berfformwyr yr Eistedddfod yn yr hanner cyntaf. Tocynnau - �18, �15, �12, �10 � ffoniwch 01978 862001 i archebu seddau. Mae 'na hefyd gyngerdd am 6.00 bob prynhawn yr Wyl, yn rhad ac am ddim i docynnau maes neu ddeiliaid tocynnau'r pafiliwn.
.... IN CONCERT - LLANGOLLEN INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL EISTEDDFOD Tia McGraff & Mabon An Evening of International Folk Thursday 12 July 2007 at 7.45pm Tia McGraff comes to the Eisteddfod straight from Nashville, Tennessee. Presently taking Europe by storm Tia is that rare singer who communicates with all generations in a soul-stirring alto voice of angelic beauty. Tia McGraff joins Mabon, for their triumphant return to the Eisteddfod for a great evening of international folk. The first half of the concert includes Eisteddfod performers. Tickets prices are �18, �15, �12, �10 � ring 01978 862001 to book yours seats. There is also a concert @six each evening of the festival, free to ground admission or pavilion ticket holders.
©Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru ~ Welsh Folk Dance Society 2007
Diweddarwyd - 13/05/2007 - Last Update