Dawnswyr Ffidl Ffadl


Noson Ymarfer
Pob Nos Fercher
Hen Ysgol
Ynys Mon



Practice Night
Every Wednesday night
Hen Ysgol
Ynys Mon

Am fanylion pellach cysylltwch a/for further details please contact :-

Huw Roberts
Cartre'r Crythor,
2 Graig Las,
Ynys Mon
Cymru/Wales/Pays de Galles
LL77 7GB
Tel :- (01248) 750561



Ann Roberts
18 Perth y Paen,
Ynys Mon,
Cymru/Wales/Pays de Galles
LL77 7EX
Tel :- (01248) 750532

E-mail :- Lowriann@yahoo.com neu/or

Grwp dawnsio gwerin Cymreig a enwyd ar ol alaw ddawns o'r 18fed ganrif yw "FFIDL FFADL". Daw'r grwp o Fon ac fe'i ffurfiwyd ym Mai 1989.

Yn ogystal a pherfformio dawnsfeydd arddangos a chymdeithasol mae eu rhaglen amrywiol yn cynnwys clocsio, caneuon gwerin, canu penillion a datganiadau offerynnol ar delynau teires Cymreig (y gwir offeryn cenedlaethol !!) ffidlau, pibgyrn, ffliwt a chrwth. Mae gwisgoedd traddodiadol y dawnsywr a'r offerynwyr sy'n adlewyrchu nifer o wahaniaethau lleol yn ffrwyth ymchwil manwl i ddillad gwerin Cymru ddiwedd y 18fed a dechrau'r 19eg ganrif. Yn wir mae nifer o'r merched yn gwisgo eitemau gwreiddiol - hetiau "pot llaeth" (yr hen het Gymreig!) betgynau, peisiau, ffedogau a sioliau o frethyn cartref - i gyd yn dyddio o tua 1820-1850.

Mae "Ffidl Ffadl" wedi ymddangos mewn cyngherddau a Gwyliau gwerin
led-led Cymru, Lloger, yr Iwerddon, Llydaw, Norwy a Ffrainc. Bu'r grwp
hefyd yn cystadlu'n llwyddianus mewn sawl eisteddfod - yn arbennig Eisteddfod Gydwaladol Llangollen.

Mae gan y grwp nifer o aelodau ifanc a chred "Ffidl Ffadl" mai hwy fydd
yn gwarchod ein traddodiad dawns a cherdd i'r oesoedd a ddel.


"Ffidl Ffadl" (named after an 18th century Welsh dance tune) was founded in May 1989 and is a traditional Welsh folk dancing group from Ynys Mon (Anglesey) North Wales.

Welsh is the official language of the group used both socially and for instruction. As well as performing traditional exhibition dances the group encourages audience participation in some of the simpler social dances. The group's varied set also includes traditional Welsh Clog dancing, Welsh Folk Songs, traditional 'Penillion' singing an (unique style of singing with the harp), and instrumentals performed on the traditional combination of Welsh Triple Harps (the true harp of Wales!) fiddles, pibgorn (Welsh form of shepherd's hornpipe),flute and crwth (early form of bowed lyre).

"Ffidl Ffadl" has thoroughly researched the history and development of Welsh peasant costumes of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. A number of the female dancers wear authentic items of costume dating from around 1800-1850 i.e bedgowns, petticoats, aprons, shawls and the famous tall Welsh "chimney pot" hats. These have been collected over the years by the group's founder and leader, Huw Roberts. Other costumes have been faithfully copied from originals seen at various museums and private collections or are based upon period prints and paintings. A short introduction to some f the different costumes is included in the group's programme.

Huw a Bethan Roberts - Arweinyddion Ffidl-Ffadl. Mae Huw yn gwisgo atgynhyrchiad o wisg telynor teulu Plas Llanofer (gellir gweld y wisg wreiddiol yn Amgueddfa Werin Cymru yn Sain Ffagan, Caerdydd). Daw wisg Bethan o Orllewin Cymru ac mae'n dyddio o tua 1840.

The photograph is of Huw and Bethan Roberts, leaders of Ffidl Ffadl. Huw is wearing a replica of the harper's costume as worn in Plas Llanofer (the original can be seen at the Museum of Welsh Life at St Fagans, Cardiff). Bethan is wearing an authentic West Wales version of the traditional Welsh costume circa 1840


To date, "Ffidl Ffadl" has appeared at concerts and festivals in Wales, England, Ireland, Brittany, Norway and France. Individual members have travelled as far as Canada and the U.S.A to take Welsh dance and instrumental workshops and to lecture on Welsh folk costumes. The group has appeared on television on a number of occasions. "Ffidl Ffadl" occasionally compete at local and national festivals and have enjoyed a number of succses over the last few years, Llangollen International Eisteddfod being a highlight!

"Ffidl Ffadl" has a number of young dancers and musicians and the group feals strongly that they will be in future the custodians of the Welsh dance/music tradition.



Tudarlennau'r We wedi'u paratoi gan / Web Pages prepared by Dafydd Thomas, Aberystwyth
©Dawnswyr Ffidl Ffadl 1999

  Last Updated on

Tuesday March 18t 2025