OSTEPS IN TIME¹  diweddaraiad

10.00am  - 4.00pm
Theatr Ardudwy, Harlech
Cost: dim ond £10.00

gwestai arbennig
o Kildare, Eire


Cofiwch, os ydych yn aros yn HARLECH
ar ol y cyfarfod i aelodau a'r TWMPATH
ar Gwener Ebrill 2
mae CDW yn medru helpu gyda chostau teithio ac aros

Cysylltwch â Rachel yn CDW am le yn y gweithdy neu'r Twmpath

029 20 575 075  [email protected]

OSTEPS IN TIME¹  up-date

10.00am  - 4.00pm
Theatr Ardudwy, Harlech
Cost: just £10.00

special guest
from Kildare, Eire


Don¹t forget if you stay on in HARLECH
after the members¹ meeting & TWMPATH
on Friday 2 April
CDW can help with travel and accommodation costs & arrangements

Contact Rachel at CDW to book for this  or the Twmpath

029 20 575 075  [email protected]


Cyfarfod Cyntaf
ECYnet Cymru
Inaugural Meeting

Canolfan Stackpole Centre
Penfro – Pembroke

1.00 – 4.00

Dydd Iau 26ed Chwefror 2004
Thursday 26th February 2004

Cainc Cymru o fudiad traws Ewropeaeth yw ECYnet Cymru a’i amcanion yw i godi hyder pobl ifanc trwy ddefnydd y celfyddydau cyfrannogol, gyda phwyslais arbennig ar weithio gyda phobl ifanc o dan anfantais. I gyrraedd y nod hwn yng Nghymru ac yn Rhyngwladol bydd ECYnet yn trefnu cyfarfodydd a chynadleddau sy’n hyrwyddo cyfnewid profiad, hyfforddiant a datblygant broffesiynol ym maes gwaith ieuenctid diwylliannol. Bydd hefyd yn hybu astudiaethau gwyddonol ac ymchwil, yn dosbarthu darganfyddiadau ac yn codi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd a’r gwleidyddion o’i waith a’i darganfyddiadau.  Bydd y cyfarfod anffurfiol hwn yn rhoi cyfle i chi gyfarfod a gweithwyr ieuenctid diwylliannol o Lithuania, Estonia, Portiwgal, Ffrainc a Denmarc sydd yn cyfarfod yn Stackpole am yr wythnos i lunio safonau a amlinellau ar gyfer y prosiectau cyfnewid ieuenctid sydd yn digwydd yn rheolaidd rhwng aelodau ECYnet.  Os oes gan eich mudiad amcanion tebyg i rai ECYnet Cymru cewch eich gwahodd i ymaelodi a bydd y cyfarfod yn rhoi cyfle i chi gyfarfod gweithwyr ieuenctid Diwylliannol yng Nghymru. ECYnet Cymru is the Wales branch of a trans-European network which aims to empower young people through the use of participative arts, with a special focus on youth in disadvantaged circumstances. To realize this aim, ECYnet will, both on a national and multinational level, organize congresses, seminars, and symposia which promote the exchange of experience, training and professional development in the field of cultural youth work; encourage and carry out scientific studies and research; disseminate and publish findings and inform the general public and political decision-makers of its work and findings.This informal meeting will give you the opportunity to meet cultural youth workers from Lithuania, Estonia, Portugal, France and Denmark who are meeting the whole week in Stackpole to design standards and guidelines for the Cultural Youth Exchange projects which regularly occur between ECYnet members.If your organization has complementary aims you will be invited to join ECYnet Cymru and this meeting will give you the opportunity to meet other cultural youth workers in Wales
Rhagor o wybodaeth oddiwrth [email protected] More information from [email protected]
Yn eisiau ... Tiwtoriaid Wanted - Tutors
mae mac yn ganolfan gelfyddydol aml-ochrog sydd a'i bryd ar hyrwyddo gweithgareddau creadigol newydd mewn modd sy'n eu sefydlu yn ran bwysig ym mywyd pobl.

mae mac ag angen tiwtoriaid mewn sawl agwedd o'r celfyddydau - y gweladwy, cerddoriaeth, dawns. drama a symudiad i ymuno i weithio gydag oedolion a phlant o bob oedran a gallu mewn amrywiol sefyllfaoedd; ysgolion, gweithdai sesiynau hyfforddi, prosiectau tymor hir a byr, sesiynnau gwyliau ac amser ysgol. 

Am ragor o wybodaeth a ffurflen gais e-bostiwch:
[email protected]


mac is a multi-faceted arts centre whose mission is to promote innovative, creative arts activities in ways, which help to establish them as an important part of people's lives.

mac needs tutors from a range of arts disciplines, visual arts (painting and drawing), textiles, ceramics, jewellery, sculpture, music, dance,
drama and movement to join a pool of tutors to work with adults and young people of all ages and abilities in a variety of situations; schools
workshops, session teaching, long and short term projects, holiday sessions and term-courses.

For further information and an application form
mailto:[email protected]



An Invitation ...

Mae NHW'n joio!  They look a happy crowd! 

Mae "Itxas Argia Dantza Taldea" yn grwp dawns Basgaidd yn Getxo, tref arfordirol ger Bilbao yn ngorllewin gwlad y Basg. Rhagor o wybodaeth par ardal yn www.getxo.net . Ymhlith gweithgareddau eraill a drefnir gan y grwp mae Gwyl Flynyddol Herrien Jaialdia (Gwyl y Werin), tua canol fis Mai.
Arferem wahodd grwp o dramor i ymuno a ni ac yn awr rydym yn chwilio am grwp arall ifuasai a diddordeb mewn dod i'n Gwyl. Oherwydd mai prin yw'n adnoddau ariannol, llety yn unig a fedrwn gynnig. Wrth gwrs, buasai croeso i gyfnewid gwahoddiad dan yr un telerau.

Os ydych chi neu euch grwp gyda diddordeb mewn bod a rhan yn ein gwyl, neu petaech eisiau rhagor o wybodaeth, anfoner e-bost unai i itxasargiajazzfree.com neu at [email protected]
I orffen, efallai ei bod yn rhy hwyr i'n cynnwys yn eich rhaglen am eleni, ond mae'r gwahoddiad yn sefyll ac fe fydd croeso i chi holi yn y dyfodol.

Yr eiddoch yn gywir:
Jon Mendiolea.


"Itxas Argia Dantza Taldea is a Basque folk dance group of Getxo, a coast town in Western Basque Country and closed to Bilbao (you can see more information about our hometown in www.getxo.net). Among
other activities the group organizes an anual festival: Herrien Jaialdia (Peoples' Festival) celebrated in the middle of May. 
An invited foreign group used to take part in it. and, now, we are looking for a group that would be interested in coming to our festival. Our financial resources are limited so we can just offer the lodging. Of course, a reciprocal invitation on the same conditions would be welcome.
If your group were interested in taking part in our festival or if you need any further information, please, send an e-mail either to
itxasargiajazzfree.com or to [email protected]
Finally, perhaps it's too late to include us in your agenda but you don't discard it in the future. This will be welcome then too."

Yours faithfully:
Jon Mendiolea.


Dawns Fawreddog Aberystwyth 06/12/03 The Grand Ball, Aberystwyth 06/12/03

Gwyl Werin Caernarfon '03


Gwahoddiad - An Invitation

Neges frys yn ei ffurf wreiddiol  - Urgent message in its original format

Please, if they are you interested, answer this e-mail urgently
We send them official invitation so that a group of dance of Wales to participate in the VIII Interceltic Festival  of Aviles  (Asturies -North of Spain) 2004
These are the participation conditions in the VIII Interceltic Festival  of Avilés (Asturies):

DATES: Of Friday 16th at 25th of July 2004. (The group can arrive to Avilés on Thursday 15 of July and to return to Wales on Monday 26 of July) 
Nº COMPONENTS: Minimum 20 / Maximum 30  
LODGING: College with beds. Surveillance the 24 hours. 
EAT: Restaurant of Spanish typical food 
BREAKFASTS: Served in the own school 
HELPS FOR THE TRIP: When contacting

(Other informations) 
DELEGATIONS: Scotland, Ireland, French Britain, Wales (first time), Galicia and Asturias 
CONTAINED FESTIVAL: Art, Music, Dances, Sport, etc... (to consult web:
We want that everything is of your pleasure.   

Juan Luis Casas
director of the festival

Llongyfarchiadau -

Newyddion o Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru .... Llongyfarchiadau 
... i Sioned Page am ennill ar yr Unawd Alaw Werin!
... i Dawnswyr Gwerin Capel Iwan ar gipio'r wobr gyntaf!

[unrhyw un efo lluniau... G???]

News from the Young Farmers of Wales National Eisteddfod ... Congratulations 
... to Sioned Page for winning the Folk Dance Solo
... to Capel Iwan Folk Dance team for winning the folk dance competition.

[any pictures ... G ???]


Yn ôl Back


Cyhoeddi Gwyl Cerdd Dant Llanrwst

Dawnswyr Nant y Coed i fand Dawnswyr Caernarfon
Dawnswyr Nant y Coed to the band of Dawnswyr Caernarfon

Hannah Rowlands gyda dawns draddodiadol - Dafydd Huw ar y delyn
Hannah Rowlands with a traditional dance - Dafydd Huw on the harp

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